Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wart Removal: Natural Home Remedies

Warts. As unsightly and bothersome as they are, warts are harmless and can be easily treated. These growths are caused by any of the 100 viral infections in the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) family. Warts can grow on various parts of the body - hands, feet, genitals, rectal area, etc. Finding the right method for wart removal is essential because warts on the genitals have to be removed in a different manner than those on other areas of the body. This article will discuss some natural home remedies so you can find the best one for yourself.

Removing Warts From the Skin
Eliminating warts from non-genital areas such as hands, feet, and other parts of the skin can often be done from home with one of a few simple methods. One such method is the duct tape treatment. Using this method typically gets rid of warts within one week, but in some cases it may take several weeks .

In this wart removal process you would apply duct tape to the affected area and leave it covered for a week. After a week remove the tape, soak the wart in water, and file it down with an emery board or pumice stone. Let the affected area go uncovered for the night and repeat the process until the wart goes away. If the wart is not gone after two months, then you should consult a physician for traditional medical methods.

Removing Warts From the Genitals
It is recommended that over-the-counter medications NOT be used for eliminating genital warts. These medications are much too harsh for this sensitive area. However there are some natural ways to remove genital warts in a safe and effective manner. One such method involves the use of apple cider vinegar. This method is probably one of the most effective and economical for wart removal because apple cider vinegar has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

This process is best performed at night before bed. Simply wet a cotton ball with the apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the wart. Cover the cotton ball with a bandage. Remove the bandage and cotton ball the next morning. Repeat this process every night for a week. You should find the wart is completely gone within 2 to 6 weeks.

There are many more natural methods for removing warts. Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, and Garlic have also been proven to provide effective means for natural wart removal.

Discover how to remove your warts, moles, or skin tags in only 3 days! No over-the-counters...100% natural!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Free Dog Training Tips: Three Basic Things You Must Know

“Why doesn’t my dog sit when I tell him to?” “How can I get my dog to come to me when I call him?” “Will I ever get my dog to go on the paper?” If any of these questions sound familiar to you, then you need to commit a little time to some basic dog training. This article will provide you with some free dog training tips to help you begin educating your canine friend today.

Free Dog Training Tip #1 - Teaching Your Dog to Come
Teaching your dog to come is one of the most basic elements of his training. However, this technique requires a great deal of repetition. The easiest way to teach your dog to come is to hold a toy in one hand and a treat in the other. Walk away from your dog while holding out the toy and cheerfully beckoning him to you. When he comes to you, give him the treat. Be sure to use the same command for “come” at all times in order to reinforce the expected behavior. Repeat this process several times a day, but don’t forget to incorporate several long breaks so your dog doesn’t get bored. After all, you do want him to have fun.

Free Dog Training Tip #2 - Teaching Your Dog to Sit
Teaching your dog to sit can be a little more difficult than teaching him to come. Once your dog has learned to come at your command, them call him to you and put your hand on the end of his back. With your hand on his back, tell your dog to “sit” while gently pushing down on his backside. Once your dog sits down, give him a treat and lots of praise. If you want your dog to sit longer, then just take a little more time in giving him the reward and the praise.

Free Dog Training Tip #3 - Potty Training Your Dog
Potty training your dog can also be a difficult task because you can’t really predict when your dog needs to relieve himself. Begin potty training your dog by giving him a place of his own, such as the corner of a room. This is ideally the same place where his toys, food, and bed are located. Cover the floor of the entire room with newspaper. When you leave the house, make sure your dog stays in that room and is unable to get out. While you are away, he will surely have to potty and will have no choice but to go where he is standing.

Over time, your dog will choose a place in the room to relieve himself. When he does this, you can begin to gradually remove the newspaper from the area furthest from his spot of choice. Continue this process until there is only one small space left for your dog to potty. If he misses the paper, then you are moving too quickly and need to go back a few steps. If this is done correctly, your dog will be able to control his bladder and bowel movements a lot easier when he gets older.

These free dog training tips only cover some very basic techniques for educating your canine friend. For more advanced techniques that deal with dog aggression and other behavioral issues, you will need to consult a professional dog trainer.

Click here to learn the best and easiest Dog Obedience Training methods so you can educate your dog just like the professionals. This site also gives away a free 6-Day Mini Course that uses real-life scenarios to teach you how to train your canine friend.